COVID-19 Safety Plan

                                    Fireside COVID 19 Safety Plan                        

August 2020

Please do not attend any in-person worship service if you have any flu like symptoms, if any person in your home is confirmed or suspected of having COVID 19 or you have travelled internationally and have not self-isolated for the 14 day period. We would still love for you to join us on our live streaming platform. Please adhere to the guidelines and enjoy our worship service together!

1)    There is only 1 designated access to and egress from the building with the exception of an emergency. Entrance will be through the main doors, exit through the side door to the parking lot.
2)    The kitchen will also be closed as well as all upstairs, multi-purpose room and childrens’ toy room.
3)    Enhanced cleaning will be applied to all high touch surfaces such as the door handles that are in use. At the end of each church service, chairs, door handles, microphones, keyboard, table etc used during the service will be sanitized by designated people. All windows and doors of the sanctuary are to be left open for half an hour thereafter.
4)    Practice physical distancing and hand hygiene before entering and leaving the sanctuary. Avoid congestion in the hallway or other pinch points.
5)    All congregants are required to wear face mask during the entire service, no personal gloves in church and keep personal belongings to minimal, and no handshaking and hugging.
6)    Washrooms will be limited to 1 person at the same time or a parent & child within the same social bubble.
7)    Wipe toilet seat after your own use with provided disinfectant and practice hand hygiene.
8)    Church sanctuary will have a limit of 48 chairs with a number on each chair. Maximum of 50 people allowed in. All sanctuary doors will remain opened during the worship service.
9)    Child minding will take place in the designated cleaned area and will be cleaned thereafter.
10)  A record of all individuals who physically attended will be kept for 30 days for contact tracing purposes by the health authority. A congregational photo will be taken at end of the service.
11)  Tithes & Offering will be a drop off into a box provided or by online giving.
12)  There will be no printed bulletins and all information/announcements will be on PowerPoint.
13)  No food or drink are allowed in the church except for personal small water bottles.

Thank you for joining us today as we adapt to and adhere to BC CDC’s guidelines and best practices as we move forward together in Christ and for the betterment of our community.